Price comparison widget for your booking engine

Increase direct sales from the booking engine by simply installing our widget.

Widget integration example
  • Integrated into the website's own booking engine, they compare in real time the prices of the rooms that the client is looking for with the prices on other online channels (OTAs).
  • When the price offered on other channels is higher than on the hotel's website, it is shown in detail so that the client knows that they are buying at the best price.
  • Configure several aspects of the widget: the type of comparator that is displayed (banner, integrated or floating), colors, the number of competitors to be displayed, whether it is displayed as soon as the page is loaded or if it should wait to the prices, etc.
  • If the room is offered at a lower price on any channel other than the website, this alternative will not be shown to the end customer; or choose whether a discount should be offered when the OTA is cheaper (if the booking engine allows it).
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Widget Settings


Set your own design and behavior of the widget for better adaptability on your website. You can choose between several formats: banner, integrated, popup, etc. Decide what prices to show and under what circumstances.

Decide what to do if the price of your website is higher than that of the OTAs: do not show those prices, offer a discount...

Change any text, add languages, colors, etc. Everything is customizable. You can offer different texts of advantages to offer those who hire directly ("perks").

Widget example


It has been proven that using a widget shortens the customer's decision time and increases hiring significantly.

Analyze the results of direct online sales.

And now what?

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Contact us

If you have any queries, please contact us and you will be attended.

Dataria Revenue Management Software
C/ Maria Zambrano 31, torre este, planta 12
50018, Zaragoza (Spain)
Tlf: (+34) 976 928 102

If you run a hotel or offer accommodation we can help! Contact us and we will help you analize your rates and compare them against your competitors to optimize your income.

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